画像提供 : アートセンター画楽 / Photo courtesy : Art Center Garaku

画像提供 : アートセンター画楽 / Photo courtesy : Art Center Garaku

画像提供 : アートセンター画楽 / Photo courtesy : Art Center Garaku

画像提供 : アートセンター画楽 / Photo courtesy : Art Center Garaku

画像提供 : アートセンター画楽 / Photo courtesy : Art Center Garaku

1993-, Kochi Prefecture
“I want to talk through my drawings,” says Uchizono who has eight different personalities living her mind. All her animals express the world seen through her eight personalities and what they wish to communicate. Having spent her childhood in the wilderness of Amami Oshima island, Uchizono has loved animals and sea life since she was little. She studied marine biology at university and is very knowledgeable about animals. Her expressive animals composed of colorful small shapes and patterns are drawn by using more than 200 color alcohol-based markers. The shapes and patterns in her recent works have become more intricate and are filled with Uchizono’s complex thoughts and emotions.